You should watch this clip from Libs of TikTok and tell me that teachers in schools are not grooming children into the LGBTQ ideology.
This person is a preschool teacher and here she brags about reading a book that introduces her FOUR-YEAR-OLD students to the idea that they can become whatever gender they want.
This is introducing all sorts of confusion into the minds of precious, innocent little children.
Little boys and girls are being told by adults they trust that they may not ACTUALLY be little boys or little girls.
You might feel like a boy. You might feel like a girl. You might feel like both a boy and girl. Or neither. You might feel like your gender changes from day to day, or from year to year.
Or you might feel that none of these words describe you perfectly. You might not be sure yet. Maybe you're still figuring it out.
If you are using your position as a teacher to influence little kids to believe this sort of anti-human nonsense you do not belong anywhere near a classroom.
This teacher is probably not trying to groom children for sexual purposes, but she is grooming them into this ideology that exploits children and confuses them.
As Matt Walsh points out in his What is a Woman documentary, kids this age believe in Santa Claus. They don't have the ability to distinguish fantasy from reality. And it's into this world and the mind of an innocent child these teachers are trying to force their ideology.
All with a smile on their faces.
This is truly disgusting.
Your feelings about your gender are real. Listen to your heart. No matter what your gender identity is you are okay exactly the way you are and you are loved. It feels good to be yourself, doesn't it?
Except the fact that you are telling children that they are NOT okay with being themselves if their "gender identity" doesn't match biology.
Then you have to mutilate your body in order to be your true self.
This nonsense belongs nowhere near kids or schools.
How someone like this has a job as a teacher is beyond me.
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