This pro-life satire clip is going viral and these are the kind of jokes we need to tell to our liberal friends to help them understand what abortion is
· Mar 2, 2024 ·

George Orwell once said, "Every joke is a tiny revolution," and in today's world of popular politics, there's nothing that gets people more worked up than jokes. There's a reason for that: The jokes are working. And that's why I love this take on abortion from the Christian anti-abortion organization Choice 42:



These jokes might be morbid and slightly inappropriate, but that's kind of the point. In fact, we're working on the minds of people who believe it's okay to kill a "clump of cells" here.

This video is 4 years old, and I don't know exactly why it's going viral now. But I'm glad it is. It's a message we still need.

(Editor's note: They've got another video exposing the IVF industry, but some of you pro-lifers aren't ready for that yet)

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