This Quebec man started 14 fires, then started a conspiracy theory online claiming the government started the fires to push climate change
· Jan 16, 2024 ·




Dude started a bunch of forest fires in order to — get this — convince people that the government was starting forest fires so they could spread more global warming propaganda.

14 fires.

With that logic.

Like, bro, what are you doing?

A Canadian man who spread online conspiracy theories saying the government was deliberately starting forest fires pleaded guilty to personally setting 14 fires himself, CBC reported.

Brian Paré, 38, pleaded guilty to 13 counts of arson and one count of arson with disregard for human life at a courthouse in Chibougamau, Quebec, on Monday.

Police said Paré tipped them off when he was nearby one of the blazes and showed a "certain interest in fires" when interviewed. Now they couldn't help it, they had to take a look at his Facebook page; and that's where they found out about his conspiracy theory that the government was starting fires to push the global warming agenda. So then police placed a tracking device on his car which eventually showed him present at two future fire locations near where they'd started.

This part is just peachy so I'll quote:

He was arrested on September 7 and admitted to starting nine fires, according to CBC.

"At this point, the accused admitted he was the one who started the fires and, as his main motivation, claimed he was doing tests to find out whether the forest was really dry or not," Charron said, per CBC.



Paré eventually pleaded guilty to starting 14 fires.

Quebec would see 11 million acres of land burned in forest fires in 2023, and by the looks of it Pare is responsible for a good portion of them — I'd like to say half, but I really don't have enough information to go throwing numbers out like that, so I'll just leave it as a guesstimate.

Regardless, this is a huge story, and it's grounds for a revoking of Paré's conspiracy theorist card.

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