People are really starting to understand how the fake activist group Black Lives Matter worked wonders for those on top who milked the cow for all it was worth and skimmed the cream right off the top.
For instance, rapper Lil Yachty was on Quenlin Blackwell's YouTube show Feeding Starving Celebrities when he was awkwardly asked about his charitable donations.
Black Lives Matter came into the conversation, and that's when Lil Yachty took it to the next level of awkward.

Fact check: True.
Black Lives Matter was accused of mismanaging donations, including how they purchased a $6 million, 6,500-square-foot compound with donated money.

Bro, everybody's starting to get it now!
These BLM peeps were like the pigs in Animal Farm and it looks like the secret's out, and certainly has been for a while if you're a regular visitor to this website.
The culture is shifting and I love it!
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