This Ukrainian councilor tossed grenades into his village government meeting. 26 people were injured, 6 critically so.
· Dec 15, 2023 ·

I hate to report that there is video of this disgusting action.

I'm not going to post it in this article, but I will link to it here (major content warning for those watching; there is no visible blood but multiple people were gravely injured).

From the BBC:

A deputy village councillor in western Ukraine has thrown grenades on to the floor of a council meeting wounding 26 people, police say.

The attack took place on Friday morning at the village council headquarters in Keretsky in the western Zakarpattia region.

Police have not yet commented on a possible motive for the attack, which has left six seriously wounded.

The town council meeting was being livestreamed on Facebook when this councilor, Serhii Batryn, showed up around the 90-minute mark during a heated discussion.

The Telegraph says Batyrn had left during the dispute and returned with the weapons.

Mr Batryn is said to have feuded with fellow councillors in the village of Keretsky, western Ukraine, about a war-time pay increase for the council's leader. He had rowed in the meeting before leaving and returning with grenades, the Kyiv Independent reported.

Batryn threw multiple grenades across the floor.

[Warning: Graphic Screenshot]

What kind of coward goes to his own village meeting and decides to blow up a bunch of women, elderly neighbors, and civilian officials?

It's a miracle that multiple people weren't instantly killed by the blast and the shrapnel. I'm praying the injured all pull through.

Initial reports say one councilor had died, but doctors said they were able to resuscitate him.

We'll update this story as doctors race to save all the injured.

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