Trans Lutheran pastor explains to CBS that the Bible wasn't written for 2024: "God created man and woman" and "everyone else as well"
ยท Oct 3, 2024 ยท

Regime-approved Christianity is rearing its ugly head again.

CBS interviewed a "trans" Lutheran pastor on their morning show this week and SHE claimed that the Bible is just a little outdated so we shouldn't believe what it says anymore.

Yes, this aired on national television.

It's hard to relate [the Bible] to modern-day times because it wasn't written for 2024. It was written for then. When we read in the scripture that God created man and woman, yes, and god created everyone else, as well.

This "pastor" literally "Yes and"-ed the Bible โ€” the word of God!

And "pastor" is in quotes (1) because this person doesn't believe in Christianity and (2) because she's a lady. Even if she's hiding it well.

For this rebellious woman, the word of God is insufficient because she thought she was born in the wrong body. So why not just add on to God's word, huh?

Sorry, bud, God didn't "create" any sex beyond male and female. It is not a biological category, it is not an ontological category, it is not a theological category.

God is God, and you are not.

The absolute state of modern "Christianity" right here.

This must be the same kind of Lutheran pastor the Walzes have.

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