The internet is split on how President Trump picks his nicknames. Some think he possesses sheer genius beyond that of mortal men. Others think he is the devil incarnate. Most folk think he simply fires off whatever comes to mind, to the great dismay of his staff.
As for me, I like to believe the President is actually a secret superfan of The Babylon Bee. For years, I've had a hunch that this may be the case, especially after the Donald retweeted someone else's tweet last year with a link to the Bee. Ever since, I've wondered if he might be be a subscriber. I've imagined him up late at night, giggling at a fresh drop of satirical wit or listening with interest to the soothing voice of Dave DeAndrea introducing the latest podcast.
This week, my conspiracy theory gained ground, as the Commander-in-Chief directly retweeted a Bee story on his account.
Wherever POTUS draws his comedic inspiration from, he has most definitively come up with a list of whimsical names for his political opponents over the years. From "Mini Mike" Bloomberg to "Low Energy Jeb" Bush to "Wild Bill" Clinton to "Nancy Antionette" Pelosi, there is a mind-boggling list of names Trump has generated over the years.
Joe Biden, the almost-alive Democratic nominee for president, has been given a myriad of nicknames by Trump. Perhaps the best known is "Sleepy Joe," but there's also "Slow Joe," "Quid Pro Joe," "Crazy Joe," and "Creepy Joe."
Today, Trump assigned a new nickname to the former VP: "Joe Hiden'."
The hashtag immediately began trending on Twitter, with the various corners of the internet once again trying to defend Trump's genius or call him literally Hitler.
One thing we can know for sure: it wasn't a typo. There's no covfefe in this story. No sirree. The President doubled down on the nickname mere minutes later:
I, for one, see it as further proof of my original premise. Is it coincidence that the President created this nickname mere days after retweeting a Bee story where aides transport Biden "safely back to the basement for storage until the election," or that the previous day, the Bee published a story about Trump cleaning out the White House basement for Biden? I think not!! π
Of course, if Trump is a Bee fan, he most likely knows about Not The Bee. With that being the case, he could be anybody among us β a somebody lurking in the comments β and nobody would know.
I can't say for certain. All I know is that Biden will likely dust himself off, come out of his basement for a few minutes to address the President's antics, and then carefully retreat back into the darkness for a few more months until November.