TIMELINE CLEANSER: These twin sisters just celebrated their 102nd birthday together
· Sep 21, 2024 · NottheBee.com

Ohio women Marilyn Wright and Madelyn Casper, known as the Johnson twins, just celebrated their 102nd birthday on September 18th.

Madelyn's son Thomas Casper said of the birthday party,

Twins at 102 -- I don't think that happens every day. We just thought we have to really celebrate this one big time.

Between the two sisters, they had 13 children, many of whom were able to travel from all over the country to be with the twins on their special day.

Marilyn's daughter Julie Fox told ABC13,

We feel very blessed to still have both of them with us. They're both still in pretty good health, not only mental, but physical too.

Marilyn noted that her sister Madelyn has lost much of her hearing, while her own vision has declined, saying that she acts as her sister's ears and her sister acts as her eyes.

As for life advice, the twins say to just be kind.

Judging by the 102-year-old ladies' joyful expressions and loving families, I'd say that advice has worked out pretty well for the two of them!

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