You guys…

Yes, ladies and gents, here we are just over a year out from the 2024 election and it finally happens: Trump is officially leading President Biden in the polls.
Mr. Biden is down one point, and inside the margin of error, in a match-up with Donald Trump, whom he beat by seven million votes three years ago.
With most voters unsure he'd stay through a second term if he did get one, and their concerns about whether Mr. Biden is healthy enough, it's all adding uncertainty for an already unsettled public.
Yeah, I think the main issue for Americans here is slowly becoming the cognitive angle. Biden is just not there, man, and while Trump's a little koo-koo sometimes, he seems to be pretty with it.
It's not clear to voters that they'd get a full second Biden term if he won one, and that uncertainty is not helping him.
Only a third of voters think that Mr. Biden would finish a second term. Asked what might happen if elected again, more think he'd leave before finishing another term, or aren't sure.
Those who think Mr. Biden would leave during a second term are going 84% for Trump.
(Note that Trump, for his part, isn't overwhelmingly seen as a sure thing to finish a second term either; just over half think he would.)
But this does seem to give the advantage to Trump: By almost three to one, voters think only Trump — and not Mr. Biden — is physically healthy enough for the job, although the two are just a few years apart.
Here's what those numbers look like:
Yeah, I think it's time to panic, lefties. Joe ain't cuttin' it anymore, so you'll need a good replacement, and soon. Of course, this could all be a media ploy to scare lefty voters into mass action to "fortify" the election (you've always got to wonder what the angle is when they report something favorable toward Trump), but I'm thinking it's more an attempt to replace Biden.
But man, wouldn't it just be great to get four more years of "Orange Man Bad"?
It would be fun times!
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