UK to release criminals from jails to make room for anti-immigration protesters and mean tweeters: "Operation Early Dawn"
ยท Aug 19, 2024 ยท

Imagine if you lived in a totalitarian nation with ruthless dictators, like Russia or China.

Good thing you live in the Free West, eh?

The government has activated emergency measures to ease prison overcrowding as more rioters are being sentenced for their role in recent unrest.

Across the north of England and parts of the midlands defendants waiting for a court appearance will be kept in police cells until prison space is available.

The system, known as Operation Early Dawn, was activated on Monday morning. It was previously used by the Conservative government in May.

Here's Prison Officers' Association chair Mark Fairhurst:

It's weird how I didn't hear about any of this when gypsy and Muslim migrants were burning buses a month ago in the streets.

The government only cracked down when native Brits got angry about a Rwandan teen who stabbed multiple little British girls at a dance party, turning the sidewalk red with their blood.

Some Brits are getting jailed for years because they posted mean tweets.

More on "Operation Early Dawn," a totally normal name for a justice initiative aimed at your own countrymen.

The temporary move is expected to result in 5,500 offenders being released in September and October. It does not apply to those convicted of sex offences, terrorism, domestic abuse or some violent offences.

[Tom Franklin, chief executive of the Magistrates Association,] told the BBC that the 'enormous pressure' on prisons will 'ease' after this plan comes into effect.

It would be terrible if the British people further overwhelmed the system by continuing to protest and forcing the government to throw everyone in jail!

It's important to note that British citizens largely oppose their own government's measures:

Because my friends over in the UK might need this in the very near future, here's Nick Cage quoting Thomas Jefferson in National Treasure.

When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.


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