United Methodists have lost one-fifth of their congregations as the denomination continues theological drift to the bottom of the sea
· Jul 6, 2023 · NottheBee.com

"Theological drift" was the nicest phrase I could use in the headline for abject heresy.

Fortunately, it seems a good number of United Methodists have figured out that the denomination is spiraling hell's toilet since 1-in-5 congregations have jumped ship since 2019.

As the UMC has continued its leftward drift on LGBT politics, more than 6,000 churches have exited, many joining the more conservative Global Methodist Church.

Some 6,182 congregations have received approval to disaffiliate since 2019, according to an unofficial tally by United Methodist News Service, which has been tracking votes by annual conferences. That figure is 4,172 for this year alone, it reported.

Yes, THIS YEAR ALONE, 4,172 conservative Methodists churches have finally said, "Enough!" and left the UMC which has, for years drifted toward affirming sin in its crusade to be relevant to the culture but irrelevant to God.

Bishop Thomas Bickerton, president of the UMC's Council of Bishops, said the departures were disappointing.

"I don't think any of us want to see any of our churches leave," he said. "We're called to be the body of Christ, we're called to be unified. There's never been a time when the church has not been without conflict, but there's been a way we've worked through that."

I'll let the late great pastor Adrian Rogers address this argument from the bishop:

"It is better to be divided by truth than to be united in error."

There can be no compromise or unity with sin. I am tired of the wolves telling sheep that Christ wants unity but that "unity" looks like following their dinner plans.

With these departures, progressives are expected to propose changing church law at the next General Conference in 2024 to allow for same-sex marriage and the ordination of LGBTQ people.

Now that the followers of Christ are out of the way, the worshippers of their father Satan are looking to officially endorse the doctrine of pro-LGBT politics in the UMC.

This is not the move of a group hoping to bring people back together. Instead, they hope to exploit their advantage.

African UMC denominations, which are alarmed at the American drift, have continued to grow while standing as a bulwark against the officially-endorsed sexual depravity within the denomination.

However, with fewer American allies, I would advise them to break fellowship, because the UMC is going to solidify its condemnation as it makes its final leap into apostasy.

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