Universal Studios took away the shade from striking actors and writers, so Los Angeles fined the studio 250 dollars
· Jul 24, 2023 · NottheBee.com

In a move more entertaining than most of the dreck coming out of Hollywood these days, Universal Studios trimmed the trees outside their lot.

What's so entertaining about a studio trimming its trees you ask?

Well, the actors' and writers' guilds were using the trees as shade while they picketed, during their strike demanding more pay and less innovation from the floundering studios.

Now in the wake of a California heatwave, the hotheaded protestors are getting baked.

So, the actors and writers pulled a Jonah and whined about the removal of the comfortable shade they were enjoying while demanding the total collapse of their industry.

And their whining fell on the ears of their benevolent communist government in LA, which promptly sided with the wealthy laborers and fined the studio $250.

Yes, that's right. Not $250 million, not even $250 thousand, just $250.

Power to the people!

If the studios trim the trees again to mess with the unions, they'll be fined $1000 (assuming they don't get a permit).

Now, it's all just a waiting game.

Eventually, the leaves will grow back, and the shade will return.

And the Hollywood actors and writers will be there to whine about it when they do.

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