The US Census Bureau has decided that there is more that they need to know about Americans.
The folks who would tell us that the government should stay out of the bedroom are adding "who do you sleep with" to the census.
Because that will help them determine ... [checks notes] ... representation in Congress?
Questions about sexual orientation, gender identity and changes to queries about race and ethnicity are on track to be asked in the most comprehensive survey of American life by 2027, U.S. Census Bureau officials said Thursday ...
Questions in English and Spanish about sexual orientation and gender identity started being tested in August with trial questionnaires sent out to several hundred-thousand households. Testing for in-person interviews will start next spring.
The testing seeks to study the impact of question wording, what kind of answer options should be given and how respondents answer questions about other members of their household in what is known as 'proxy responses.' The questions only will be asked about people who are age 15 or older.
They want to know your high schooler's "gender ID " and sexual orientation on this survey, the "most comprehensive survey on American Life."
They're just working on how to word the questions.
And how to fit the 89,739 different gender options checkboxes onto one page.
Actually, that's too low of a number.
The options are infinite, so they'll let you write-in whatever you want.
On the sexual orientation test question, respondents can provide a write-in response if they don't see themselves in the gay or lesbian, straight or bisexual options. The gender identity test question has two steps, with the first asking if they were born male or female at birth and the second asking about their current gender. Among the possible responses are male, female, transgender, nonbinary and a write-in option for those who don't see themselves in the other responses.
I know they're trying to please the wokies, but this whole "at birth" thing will just tick them off.
They don't think they were BORN male or female. They think the doctors "identified" them that way.

How insensitive!
The census-takers also want to remove the identity of our sons and daughters:
In some test questionnaires, respondents are being given the option of picking multiple responses but in others they can only mark one.
The trial questionnaire also is testing 'degenderizing' questions about relationships in a household by changing options like 'biological son or daughter' to 'biological child.'
This radical gender agenda is all over the government.
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