A Virgin Atlantic flight was about to takeoff for the Big Apple when a nosy passenger peeked out their window and realized that something was off with the wing.
Yeah, the WING to the plane had screws missing!
That's what you call a critical oversight.
They would have taken off if it hadn't been for the observant passenger:
British traveler Phil Hardy, 41, was onboard Flight VS127 at Manchester Airport in the UK on Jan. 15 when he noticed the four missing fasteners during a safety briefing for passengers and decided to alert the cabin crew.
"I'm a good flyer, but my partner was not loving the information I was telling her and starting to panic, and I was trying to put her mind at rest as much as I could," Hardy told the Kennedy News agency of the moment he spotted the missing fixings.
"I thought it was best to mention it to a flight attendant to be on the safe side."
The guy was gonna let it be, but he let his wife know about the missing screws and her nervousness caused him to talk to the attendant who passed it up the appropriate channels, causing a delay while they repaired the plane.
Here's video of the engineer on the wing with a screwdriver putting the bolts in properly:
Eventually, Virgin Atlantic canceled the flight, deciding that it would be best to give the entire plane the once-over before carrying on with business as usual.
Airbus, the maker of the aircraft, assures us that with 119 fasteners on each wing, the missing 4 bolts weren't going to put anyone in danger or disrupt the flight.
Virgin Atlantic, however, seems more worried about making sure their flights are as gay and black as possible and not as safe as possible.
This is a real ad they ran a few years back 👇
Paying attention might save your life, ladies and gents.
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