Jilted? Scorned? Cheated on? Left behind, feeling used and abused?
You might not have anyone to buy sweets for this Valentine's Day, but don't fret.
You can still buy some sweet revenge.
It's time for the San Antonio Zoo's 2nd Annual Cry Me A Cockroach event.
For a small fee…
"You will be able to symbolically name a cockroach or a pre-frozen rat after your ex, and we will feed it to one of our animals …"
It's just $5 for a cockroach or $25 for a rat. And because the Zoo is all woke and wants options that won't offend the PETA crowd, they are offering a new vegan vengeance option where you can buy some veggies to be fed to an herbivore.
Personally, I can't see how that option would feel nearly as gratifying, but to each their own vengeance, I guess.
Once you lay out your cash, you can tune into their live streamed "feeding frenzy" event to be aired on February 14th on their social media pages.