Watch this FedEx driver pull a man out of a flaming car moments before the vehicle exploded 😤
· Jul 28, 2023 ·

FedEx drivers are normally known for carrying packages to your door. One Southern California driver, however, decided this week to mix things up a bit and literally drag a man away from certain death.

Jonathan Rohrbach was about halfway through his overnight shift, driving a FedEx semi along a Southern California highway early Wednesday, when he noticed something he doesn't usually come across on his run -- a car on fire at the edge of the road.

When Rohrbach pulled over, he quickly realized he was the first at the scene -- and that the driver was still in the burning car.

It's a good thing he pulled this guy away, too.

The car quite literally exploded:

And like a good FedEx delivery driver, Rohrbach himself wasn't deterred from his route even after the crazy incident:

Rohrbach said he gave police his statement and then continued his run.

As the old company slogan goes: Relax, it's FedEx.

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