Watch: Anti-Israel protesters walked out of Duke graduation commencement because they invited a Jewish speaker ... Jerry Seinfeld.
ยท May 12, 2024 ยท

Another day, another group of spoiled anti-Israel losers crying like babies over something that hurt their feelings.

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld, the GOAT stand-up comedian, and star of the GOAT sitcom, who is also Jewish and is vocally supportive of Israel, was the commencement speaker at Duke University Sunday. And the anti-Israel students at Duke did NOT like him being there.



Some folks cheered, "Free Palestine!" but most of the folks who showed up just started booing the losers who walked out. Then the crowd started chanting for Jerry!

Seinfeld has been vocal over his support for the Jewish State following Hamas' brutal Oct. 7 massacre that killed more than 1,200 people and kidnapped another 252.

The comedian also met with families of the hostages and visited a kibbutz destroyed by the terror attack during a trip to Israel in December.

Seinfeld, however, opted to steer clear of the war during his speech at Duke โ€” and instead told students to embrace hard work and what they love as they move forward on the next major step in their lives, according to WRAL News.

What a pro. Jerry didn't even let the hecklers knock him off message. Seinfeld gave his speech as planned.

Way to go, Jerry!

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