Watch as Steak-Umm takes out Neil deGrasse Tyson AT THE KNEES in epic tweet storm. Yes, the frozen sliced beef company. Yes, that one. Seriously.
· Apr 13, 2021 ·

Say you are an esteemed physicist.

Okay, scratch that.

Say you are a celebrity physicist beloved by the woke left for your partisan takes on scientific subjects that, while exposing the shallowness of your intellect, still brings you much acclaim and notoriety among the media, Hollywood, and other vacant gatekeepers of our culture.

Now, let's say you are humiliated by a company that sells moderately priced frozen sliced beef.

It all started a couple of days ago when Tyson issued one of his typically insipid tweets intended to remind himself how very smart he is and how very stupid you are.

He then did what any emotionally insecure 62-year-old adult would do: Sit back and anxiously wait for the likes to pour in.

It was kind of a mixed bag at first, in fact, he felt he needed to add support for his contention and so he turned to a source he felt was unimpeachable and could not be credibly questioned:


Seriously, he linked to something he wrote, to support something he wrote.

Both are wrong by the way, which we'll get to in a bit.

Before we move on, this says pretty much everything you need to know about the smug Tyson and his desperately insecure acolytes.

They really do think they are the smart ones.

He didn't stop there, he had to hawk some virtue-signaling merch while he was at it, for charity, of course (with his face on it, of course).

Hurry, while supplies last, let the world know you don't understand how science works, just like Neil deGrasse Tyson!

That's when the frozen sliced beef sandwich company crashed the party.

"log off bro."

As near as I can tell, Tyson has not yet responded, but let's face it, if you were Tyson would you want to get into a tussle where you were clearly outmatched?

Steak-Umm wasn't through with him regardless.

the irony of neil's tweet is that by framing science itself as "true" he's influencing people to be more skeptical of it in a time of unprecedented misinformation. science is an ever refining process to find truth, not a dogma. no matter his intent, this message isn't helpful

This is approximately 250% more intelligent than any of Tyson's tweets.

They got some push back here and there, but these thinly sliced sheets of sandwich meat push back.

nope. science itself isn't "true" it's a constantly refining process used to uncover truths based in material reality and that process is still full of misteaks. neil just posts ridiculous sound bites like this for clout and he has no respect for epistemology

Yes, a beef sandwich just used "epistemology" in a sentence.

It also made a really bad pun.

"...that process is still full of misteaks."

Some people even tried to denigrate the quality of Steak-Umms.

Not a good idea.

Here's the exchange, blowups follow.

You can tell she's a big fan of Tyson by the way she is so smug and certain when she has absolutely no idea what she's talking about nor sees any need to take 30 seconds to check even the most basic and readily available facts.

How cool are the Steak-Umm people?

This cool.

They have an entire thread on "woke brands," outrage culture, self interest, the works, that is fully worth your time.

Before I leave you, this is not the first time Steak-Umm has taken a shot at the insufferable Tyson.

There are some outstanding tweets about this thread, and Steak-Umm is retweeting quite a few of them. This is a favorite, but by all means, take a spin of their Twitter feed, they're still coming.

After all, Steak-Umm is trending.

Oh, and the puns. So. Many. Puns.

Have at it. You know you want to.

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