Watch: China parades lockdown rule-breakers in front of crowds to publicly shame them
ยท Dec 30, 2021 ยท

Communist China is the worst.

How dehumanizing. How absolutely dystopian.

This is what happens when you cease to see individuals as uniquely and divinely made in God's image, and then deny that they have the inalienable rights endowed to them by their Creator.

From the Daily Mail:

Four masked suspects in hazmat suits - carrying placards displaying their photos and names - were paraded Tuesday in front of a large crowd in Guangxi region's Jingxi city.

Photos of the event showed each suspect held by two police officers - wearing face shields, masks and hazmat suits - and surrounded by a circle of police in riot gear, some holding guns.

The public shaming was part of disciplinary measures announced by the local government in August to punish those breaking health rules.

China banned such public shaming of criminal suspects in 2010 after decades of campaigning by human rights activists, but the practice has resurfaced as local governments struggle to enforce the national zero-Covid policy.

So you're saying that communist governments suspend laws meant to protect people the moment such laws are inconvenient for them?

This isn't the only time this has happened recently.

The nation is struggling with recent Covid outbreaks, reverting back to banning people from going outside at all in some cities like Xi'an.

The tightened lockdown measures prompted some Xi'an residents to turn to social media for help, saying they are 'starving' and appealing to neighbours for supplies.

'I'm about to be starved to death,' wrote one person on Weibo, China's equivalent of Facebook. 'There's no food, my housing compound won't let me out, and I'm about to run out of instant noodles ... please help!'

Oh well, I'm sure spraying the sky will get rid of the 'Rona!

What a fantastic world we're allowing the Communist Party of China to create!

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