Former White House physician slams Biden for late response to Afghanistan crisis and taking exactly zero questions before heading back to vacation
· Aug 17, 2021 ·

Rep. Ronny Jackson of Texas formerly served as a rear admiral in the U.S. Navy and as the personal doctor to presidents Obama and Trump, but he's made no bones about his opinion that Biden is cognitively unfit to serve as president.

After Biden's lagged response to the insanity in Afghanistan, however, Jackson was particularly upset, and while it may just be a classic example of Republicans "pouncing," it's worth listening to a guy who served as the physician to two sitting presidents.

For context, here was Biden as he finally read a prepared speech Monday afternoon before heading back to Camp David, where he has been relaxing on vacay.

And here were some of Jackson's thoughts:

So where is Biden today? I don't know, but if I had to guess, I'd say he's busy showing off his "swag" (as ABC once phrased it) and playing Mario Kart at Camp David!

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