Since the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Donald Trump's nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, Democrats at all levels have spoken of expanding, or "packing," the court to counteract Trump's nominations. Even as far back as March of 2019, Kamala Harris declared that she is open to the idea of packing the court saying, "everything is on the table to do that."
This week on Lawrence O'Donnell's show Kamala is asked again her position on packing the Supreme Court and her answer is, well, it's interesting.
"Uh, you know what, let's- uh, I think that, first of all, Joe's been very clear that- um- he is gonna- to, to pay attention to the fact, and I am with him on this 1000%, pay attention to the fact that right now, Lawrence, people are voting, they're voting!"
Here is how Lawrence O'Donnell wanted to respond:

Harris clearly has no idea what she's saying, what she thinks, or what she believes, during this clip. It's so nonsensical and hard to follow that she really doesn't say anything at all. It is hard to believe that Kamala Harris could be so unprepared for a question she knows has to come up.
If this is her level of preparation for a simple yes or no question from Democrat friendly MSNBC, you know Mike Pence has to be licking his chops as he prepares to take the debate stage with VP nominee Harris. He's preparing to strike her down even as we speak.