Watch: Liz Cheney says Donald Trump is the "single most dangerous threat" and she hasn't ruled out running for president herself
ยท Oct 23, 2023 ยท

Just what absolutely everyone was waiting for!

Liz Cheney is so scared of Donald Trump that she might run to stop him!

No, seriously.

Cheney: I think Donald Trump is the single most dangerous (candidate) and I imagine there will be other candidates in the race...

Tapper: Would you be one of them?

Cheney: I tell you what I am definitely going to do, I'm going to spend the next year between now and the election helping to elect serious people, helping to elect sane people ...

Tapper: You're not ruling out a presidential run?

Cheney: No, I'm not!

I know, I know.

Some people REALLY hate Donald Trump. But is he SO bad that we deserve to be punished by having to endure Liz Cheney?

The punishment doesn't fit the crime!

How would she even run? Would she try to run as an independent candidate like RFKJ? Would she dare enter the Republican primary at this point?

Liz, just go away!

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