Father John Bok was on his way to celebrate Sunday Mass when a 17-year-old driver in a SUV had a seizure and passed out. The out-of-control SUV drove over an empty lot and was set to hit Father John's car full bore, but instead it hit a pole and flew into the air, completely clearing Father Jon.
Watch the video: it's like something out of a movie.
Father John said:
"It's a miracle. I did not know that that car went over top of me because I was looking ahead and it was to my left and above. And out of the corner of my eye I sensed something went by, but I just thought it was a bird or something like that," he said.
After Mass, a police officer that knew him brought the video to him and showed him what had happened. The footage was taken by a funeral home's security camera.
The young man driving the car was taken to the hospital, treated, and has also been released without injury.
Bok said that if things had gone differently, it would have been a "win-win situation":
…because "heaven is going to be better than here. [But] I'm happy I'm still here and it's a mystery why I am when you look at that darn video.
"When I see it, I just scratch my head and say, ‘Thank you, Lord.'"
What a great attitude, but I think Father John's guardian angel is going to need an ice pack after that little stunt.