Watch: the malfunction of these power lines in Louisiana looked like wizards having a duel
· Feb 17, 2021 ·

This electrical meltdown in Louisiana during the recent cold snap was pretty trippy. Make sure you have your sound on for this:

The boring theory of what was going on here was that it was an electrical arc due to a fault in the 3-phase Delta Connection System, and that the arc was moving along the lines looking for ground.

One Twitter user who claimed to be an electrician described the phenomenon like this:

"What you're seeing is essentially a 4th state of matter being created. Plasma. It's the same temperature as the surface of the sun. It's the type of power that doesn't just burn you or knock you out; it's the kind that actually vaporizes you. Literally turns you into a cloud of ions. It's electricity in its rawest form."

The cooler theory is that nearby wizards were having a nearby duel for the fate of the universe.

Either way, pretty cool, eh?

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