I'll be honest, when I think of Massachusetts, all I can think of is the time I asked a local in Boston to say the phrase "I pahcked my cah at Hahvahd Yahd" to which he responded, "What, ah you retahded?"
What I don't think of is the rodeo.
And as this recent video shows, there may be a reason for that.

That's a pretty bold prison break, but I don't think the herd thought through their evasion plan very well.
Almost immediately one of the bulls was captured.
Six more were found stuck behind a fence at a local's house.
Attleboro resident Chris Mooney saw the bulls walk down his street and through his yard.
'As soon as I stepped out and I looked out there I said those aren't horses, those are literally bulls and oh my [gosh],' he told NBC Boston. 'Two of them were laying down and another was budging the fence trying to get out, and the other ones were just sitting there.'
They were successfully corralled and returned to the rodeo.
The last bull, who must be the mastermind of the whole breakout, was still at large until Monday night.
'Community members should exercise extreme caution and not approach the bull if found. If found, community members should call 9-1-1,' North Attleboro Fire Chief Christopher Coleman said in a statement.
Here's the moment they finally brought him in:
Better luck next time, bulls!
P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐