This 9-year-old became the first person to land three 900s in a row and he did it in front of the great Tony Hawk

Tony Hawk, arguably the greatest skateboarder of all time, tried the 900 over and over at the 1999 X Games in San Francisco until he finally became the first to ever land it.

A 900 is where you spin around two-and-a-half times in the air: An unbelievable feat for anyone, let alone someone on a skateboard!

Fast-forward 25 years to this past weekend. Ema Kawakami, a flipping 9-year-old Japanese kid, pulls of the trick not once, not twice, but three times in a row — and Tony Hawk was right there to witness it.



Appearing at the veteran skateboarder's 'Vert Alert' competition over the weekend, the Japanese schoolboy from Kobe performed three back-to-back 900s in an attempt to win gold.

His performance was watched by Hawk, Selema Masekela and Paul Zitzer - with the former delivering a standing ovation and clapping after seeing the trick.

Despite impressing Hawk and pulling off the wild feat, it appeared three back-to-back 900s just wasn't enough for Kawakami to swing the Vert Alert competition.

Instead, 15-year-old Guilherme ‘Gui' Khury - who landed the world's first-ever 1080 trick in competition at the X Games in 2021 - was crowned the competition winner.

Bro, that Gui kid must be something else, cuz three 900s in a row is something all of us can only dream of landing, and he somehow beat our little 9-year-old.

Huge props to Ema Kawakami for becoming the first person ever to land three 900s in a row.

You got a bright future, kid!

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