Yesterday was a hot day in Monrovia, California. So hot that even the wildlife was looking for a place to cool off.
Homeowner Steve Bray shared his home security footage from Wednesday that showed a bear taking a quick dip in his family's swimming pool.

The bear takes one lap around the pool before climbing out and going back over the fence the way he came.
Bray told KTLA that after 20 years living in Monrovia, they've seen more than a few bears prowling around.
"We've gotten used to it, it's part of it. To be honest with you, I think it's a real treat."
It looks like the pool was a real treat for the bear too, so that's what I call a win-win. The bear was just looking for a little respite from the heat...and I think that's something many of us can all relate to.

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