WATCH: This man interviewed Palestinians in the West Bank about October 7 and their answers are disturbing
· Jul 24, 2024 ·

Jewish American comedian Zach Fox visited the Palestinian city of Ramallah in the West Bank, just north of Jerusalem, to interview locals about Hamas and the October 7th terrorist attacks.

What he found was disturbing.


In an interview with the Jerusalem Post, Fox said:

It was shocking. There was not one person who didn't like Hamas - not even - I didn't meet one person who didn't love Hamas I think. It was unequivocal. All of them hated Jews with every bone of their body.

As you can see in the video, everyone he interviewed also supported the October 7th terrorist attack.

According to Fox, most of the footage was lost, as a group of Palestinian men cornered him and threatened to kill him unless he deleted it. Thankfully, some of it survived and painted an ugly picture of the indoctrination Palestinians are under.

All of a sudden, he comes up and says we have to delete the rest of our footage. I went back and forth with him for ten minutes. I caved. My cameraman said, ‘I'm very scared, they are threatening to kill us if we don't delete this.' We tried to get the footage back, I went to several cyber places, and while we got some we couldn't get it all. I've been making videos for 15 years, and I've never had to delete videos because someone's threatened to kill me.

The internet had some thoughts:

Kudos to brave journalists like Zach Fox who expose the truth most media organizations ignore.

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