The talking point from lefties lately has been that Critical Race Theory isn't being taught in public schools. It's just a made-up culture war issue from racist Republicans.
On Tuesday, we saw Nicolle Wallace repeat this deluded talking point when trying to cope with the loss of the Virginia gubernatorial race.
Lefties are out in full force with this message.
Let's disregard that in Virginia, the Education department SPECIFICALLY cites Critical Theory in their directives to educators. None of that matters. What matters is this woke talking point:
CRT isn't real. It's just a right-wing boogeyman.
Well, here's an amazing video from a public school teacher explaining exactly how CRT is being taught in schools:
Critical Race Theory... Critical Pedagogy... is in schools. To suggest otherwise is patently false.
He then goes on to cite several instances of Critical Theorists bringing their theories and praxis into schools.
He mentions Gloria Ladson Billings writing an article about CRT in education in the 1990s.
By the way, here's a more recent article from NPR from this summer, calling Billings "The Academic Who Brought Critical Race Theory To Education".
But yeah, there's no CRT in schools.

The teacher also mentions Crenshaw and her efforts to move CRT into education. He mentions Paulo Freire, a critical pedagogue who is used as an example for educators.
"The language, the theory, the philosophy, the application, the arguments, the policies of Critical Theory in general... are worked into every part of schooling now."
"It starts in the academy and then leaks onto everything else..."
"We've gotta start from a place of truth and that is that Critical Theory is in K-12 education.
Absolutely nails it.
If someone says CRT isn't being taught in schools, they are either lying to you, they're willfully ignorant, or they have so conformed to the worldview that they don't recognize it as CRT anymore.
Regardless, as this teacher points out, CRT is being taught in public schools and parents need to know.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇