Scott Haraguchi, a kayak fisherman in Hawaii, was attacked by a tiger shark and caught the whole thing on video.
Watch as the giant fish sneaks up on the man:
Thank you Jesus is right!
Holy cow, that dude was almost lunch meat!
It's like a scene out of Jaws!

Scott had just caught a fish and happened to leave his GoPro running a little longer and that's when the tiger shark sprang out of nowhere. Somehow he was able to kick near the shark's eye and get it unclamped from his boat.
"It was incredibly bad luck but incredibly good luck to capture it."
I'll say!
Haraguchi thinks the shark thought he was a wounded seal because he himself had spotted a wounded seal nearby. He figures the shark was out looking for the seal after wounding it and ended up attacking the kayak by mistake.
Whatever the circumstance, Scott knows that giving thanks to Jesus is absolutely necessary!