It's Friday, so naturally our staff was busy this morning talking about domestic extremism and steak.
It all started with this post:
We added "likes steak" to this list, and that kicked off a longer discussion about what kind of cuts are best, how to cook them, and what to use to cook them.
Because the internet is the best place to ask for people's opinions, we thought we'd turn to you to help settle this debate. I'm sure that your thoughtful and respectful voices will help us all come to the right conclusion that pan-frying ribeyes in butter to medium-rare is the best choice out there and anything else is heresy.
(These can only have 10 choices, so some cuts may not be on here)
Lastly, we have the true heresy test:
I'm sure this will clear everything up!

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇