What Do You Know? Nearly 100% of Fact-Checkers' Political Contributions Go to Democrats!
· Jun 13, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Claim: Fact-checkers are all liberals. FACT CHECK: TRUE.

There is a new study out that examined political contributions from American employees who listed their job as "fact checker" and – guess what? – a whopping 99.5% of them went to Democrats.

The study reviewed political donations over the past four election cycles. $22,580 of the $22,683 in political donations went to Democrats. Only three, obviously very small donations went to any Republicans!

These are the people in charge of censoring society, who assure us that they are "neutral" and "unbiased" and "impartial" and conduct all of their "fact checks" with an even hand.

Those same people, during this study, gave TEN TIMES more money to Bernie Sanders alone than to all Republican politicians COMBINED!

The campaign finance disclosures reviewed for the study show money given by fact checkers at Reuters, the New York Times, Google, New York Magazine, CBS News, the New Republic, Vox, the New Yorker and National Geographic, among others totaling 40 organizations.

What an unbelievable indictment on this whole sham industry.

Shout out to the Free Beacon for this great journalism. There are many more details from the study over at their site.

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