This widow found her husband's wedding ring that had been missing for 61 YEARS, and where she found it is even wilder
· Aug 16, 2024 ·

Barbara Gregory and her late husband Glenn were married in 1963.

Shortly after they returned from their honeymoon, the newlyweds planted a tree on their farm in Henry County, Kentucky. But just two months into their marriage, Glenn lost his wedding band while working on the farm.

The couple searched for the ring, but never found it, and Glenn ultimately bought a replacement (which he also lost). He finally bought a third ring, which he wore until his death late last year.

He was buried beneath the tree that had come to represent their life together, as Mrs. Gregory put it,

Through the years, as that tree grew, our marriage grew. It kept growing and growing.

Earlier this month, Barbara Gregory hired Searcy Monument Co. to install a grave marker under the tree. While Jonathan Searcy was preparing the ground to place the stone, he saw something shiny in the dirt.

He picked up the ring and showed Barbara, who said that it was in fact her late husband's wedding band that had gone missing 61 years ago.

Searcy said of finding the ring,

Odds are a million to one. It's like finding a needle in a haystack. God works in mysterious ways.

As for Mrs. Gregory, she now has two of her late husband's wedding rings to remember him by, as she had chosen not to bury her husband in his third ring, saying that,

I didn't send it with him. I thought maybe he might lose it on his way to heaven. I didn't know.

Here's the local news report:

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