It's amazing what happens when you repeat pro-aborts' arguments back to them
· Jul 19, 2023 ·

If you're one of the people, like I used to be, that thinks you aren't capable of defending your position on life in public, just watch this clip from abortion abolitionist T. Russell Hunter.

He shows just how easy it is to take down the indefensible pro-abort position.

This exchange is so beautiful.

Russell: What do you think about abortion?

Man: I think it's a woman's right.

Russell: A woman's right to do what?

Man: Abort.

Russell: Abort what?

The pro-aborts always want to hide behind the language of women's rights and even the euphemism of "abortion" and will rarely come out and say what the reality of abortion is.

But they all know it, as this guy reveals.

Man: Abort a kid that's not wanted or will be raised in a bad environment.

Russell: So, if I repeat that back to you, it's a woman's right to abort a kid that's unwanted or could be raised in a bad environment. So, you can just abort kids if you don't want 'em?

Man: No... -ahh, never mind!

Immediately, when confronted with the horror of what he's just said, the man wants to give up and walk away. He does not want to face any more harsh truths about his position.

Here's where Hunter uses his skills and brings the guy back in.

Russell: Well, that's what you said. You said the reason abortion is okay is if a kid's unwanted and in a bad environment, which is a lot of kids.

Man: Yeah.

Russell: So... murdering children because they're unwanted-

Man: What if they have a disease?

Russell: Murdering people that have diseases? Is that what you're for?

Man: Well...

Wife: This isn't winnable.

Russell: It isn't winnable because human beings are valuable, they have rights, we ought to love and protect them and do everything we can to be equal to everybody. And that includes human beings from the moment they're there.

There is no logical pro-abort argument.

It doesn't exist.

All life is worthy of protection.

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