Whoa! Watch Jim Jordan DESTROY this witness who claimed Justice Alito leaked the Hobby Lobby decision
· Dec 8, 2022 · NottheBee.com

This clip is about 5 minutes but I promise you every single second is worth it.

The Democrats' star witness in a case about Justice Samuel Alito supposedly leaking the Hobby Lobby decision got caught with his hand in the freaking cookie jar by Rep. Jim Jordan.





From the moment Jordan asks the first question, Schenk's voice starts to quiver uncontrollably.

He's nervous as heck because he knows that he is about to get slammed for lying under oath if he isn't careful.

This "reverend" lied about a previous case regarding his brother, Paul, in a book written about the case. He lied about what was said and made it one of the biggest deals in the world when it was all made up.

Schenk claims that, for the first time ever, the Court recognized his brother's title "reverend" when bringing up the case. He nudged his brother and winked at the unprecedented victory.

Except it's all baloney. It didn't happen.

First, Jordan brings up the account in Schenk's book. Then he brings out the transcript. Then he brings the audio recording.

The dude is proven to be a straight-up liar. Their star witness is completely destroyed.

Seriously, we're supposed to believe this guy over Samuel Alito? I don't think so.

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