What does AOC mean when she tweets “do away with the whole thing” and “a judicial coup in progress”? 🤔
· Jun 30, 2022 · NottheBee.com

Yo, Comrade AOC! When you're not being the darling of The Colbert Show, why are you calling for the overthrow of our institutions, checks and balances, and the judicial branch of the government?

Screenshot if she deletes:

I don't know… seems kinda sus. You've been screaming about the dangers of insurrection for more than a year.

She was probably tweeting there about overturning the Senate filibuster, but I can't really tell.

You just need to trust the institutions, AOC.

In a coup, people try to take power (what DC has been doing to the Constitution for over a century, and what Marxists like AOC want to usher in #utopia).

But SCOTUS didn't do that. The Court gave rights not enumerated in the Constitution back to the states and the people (that's in the Constitution, you should read it).

"Stolen." Huh. I remember some people in January 2021 chanting that…

If they'll put you in solitary for a year for getting dirt on Pelosi's desk, what does calling to "do away" with the government get you?

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