“Why Waking Up Early Is Rooted in White Supremacy” 🤡
· May 22, 2023 · NottheBee.com

I think the everything-is-racist-all-the-time-everywhere crowd is losing the plot.

Yes, that is a real article on Medium. Early forms of this kind of thinking at least had an internal coherence. A common example has been the assertion that "individuality" is rooted in white supremacy. If you assume their premise, which incidentally is inherently racist, then you can at least have an interesting conversation about the proper balance between individual rights and the common good. It's a discussion that has been going on for ages. Hobbes' "Leviathan," for example, was a full-throated and at times not-totally-unconvincing defense of the rule by monarchs under the guise of a "social contract.'

Okay, fine, but "waking up early," isn't an exercise in political philosophy, it is an action you take that has long been associated with success. Not uniformly, of course, but getting an early start to the day has been a habit of over-achievers for ages, from entrepreneurs to top-tier athletes. As one Twitter user said in response to a tweet about Bernardi's claim,

Dude, that man gets me going. That is what winning looks like. Also reminds me of my Uncle who was a kickboxer. He would always tell me some to the effect of, "wake up at 5 am, the champ is already halfway through his morning run." Basic message was "the champ is getting better, and you are not."

When you suggest that this habit is rooted in white supremacy, are you making the case that white people are supreme because they get up early?

I'm sure that wasn't the intent, but there's no getting around that that is what he's saying, and it is not only dangerous, as these kinds of statements always are, but deeply condescending to the non-white people who also get up early to secure success for themselves. A perfect example is this suggestion that appears towards the end.

Creating a more inclusive and equitable society involves redefining our understanding of productivity and success.

You see, black and brown people can't possibly be successful, so, you know, just redefine success as something else, and just like that:


The piece itself is typical of the vapid and shallow thinking that masquerades as intellect and that our education system so cherishes.

He starts with this.

The notion of waking up early and starting your day with the rising sun is often associated with productivity, success, and a strong work ethic.

Yes. Yes it is.

And here comes the "however..."

However, this seemingly innocuous concept is not without its historical and cultural implications. In this article, we will explore the origins of the early-rising narrative and how it is rooted in white supremacy, contributing to the perpetuation of racial inequalities.

He goes on.

The early-rising ideology is not inherently racist...

Do you sense another "however" coming? Ding ding ding, we have a winner!

...however, its connections to white supremacy can be seen when examining the broader historical and social contexts. During the era of European colonialism and the Atlantic slave trade, the concept of hard work and productivity became intertwined with race.

He then details the awful working conditions black slaves were forced to endure, but it's not an argument, it's a six-hundred-word non-sequitur.

After several paragraphs filled with the rote social justice rhetoric of a sophomore liberal arts major, he concludes with this.

It's crucial to prioritize work-life balance and ensure that employees have the flexibility to work in ways that best suit their needs.

Well, sure, but what does that have to do with race, and for that matter, white supremacy?

He wrote a follow-on piece bemoaning his mistreatment at the hands of the "alt-right" on Twitter.

I have recently become the target of harassment by the alt-right on Twitter, a situation that has been exacerbated by the implementation of a free speech policy under Elon Musk's ownership of the platform.

Let that soak in for a moment.

"Exacerbated by free speech."

He notes that,

My articles have become a battleground for relentless harassment, with waves of abusive comments, personal attacks, and even threats.

What example does he choose to support this claim, using it as the opening image of his piece, real estate usually reserved to hammer home the point and encapsulate the argument? This screen capture.

I found the original tweet here.

That's not abusive, nor a personal attack, nor a threat.

It's objectively hilarious.

He concludes.

It is crucial for platform owners like Musk to recognize the responsibility they bear and take active steps to address the harmful consequences of their policies. In the face of this challenge, it is imperative for users to unite and promote a culture of respectful dialogue, empathy, and inclusivity in order to foster a safer online environment for all.

I'm all for respectful dialogue, and Twitter can certainly be awful.

But, dude, this is pretty weak tea.

I tire of this nonsense, and yet it keeps on coming, and it has taken root in every powerful institution shaping the cultural narrative in this country.

It's as silly as it is dangerous.

He writes a lot of pieces along these lines, but he also writes about cooking.

In summary, this Asparagus, Pea, and Goat Cheese Risotto is a perfect spring recipe that captures the essence of the season. With its fresh flavors, vibrant colors, and creamy texture, it's sure to become a favorite in your repertoire of seasonal dishes.

No hard feelings, Anthony, you seem like a nice guy who genuinely believes the nonsense you have been fed. I might just try this, too, looks delicious.

And I do believe you have every right to create drivel about white supremacy just as I have every right to review Pop-Tarts. People also have every right to disagree with you.

(You want controversy, pal, try doing a piece on breakfast pastries without mentioning Pillsbury Toaster Strudels and get back to me.)

But, just a word to the wise, a white dude writing about food? Yeah, rooted in white supremacy.👇

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