Will puppy torture finally be the end of Anthony Fauci?

Joel Abbott

Oct 23, 2021

Sure, millions of people have recently died from a virus that was genetically engineered in Wuhan, China. And it turns out that Anthony Fauci and the NIH funded research in Wuhan to make bat coronaviruses more infectious to humans, then lied about it.

There was also all that stuff about Anthony Fauci‘s emails, where he offered private advice that was contradictory to what he was saying in public and where it was revealed that he was having secret chats with people like Mark Zuckerberg.

Doesn't matter. A good portion of America still thinks that Anthony Fauci is a hero of the Republic, and he has his own Disney+ documentary to prove it!

The good doctor‘s luck may have run out at last, however.

It turns out, while secret scientific research and leaked emails and millions of human deaths don't really bother people, cruelty towards puppies does!!

A bipartisan letter demands answers from the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and President Biden's chief medical adviser.

The White Coat Waste Project, the nonprofit organization that first pointed out that U.S. taxpayers were being used to fund the controversial Wuhan Institute of Virology, have now turned its sights on Anthony Fauci on another animal-testing-related matter - infecting dozens of beagles with disease-causing parasites to test an experimental drug on them.

How bad was this testing?

How about removing the puppies vocal cords so the researchers wouldn't have to listen to them whine and bark while flies were eating them alive.

White Coat Waste claims that 44 beagle puppies were used in a Tunisia, North Africa, laboratory, and some of the dogs had their vocal cords removed, allegedly so scientists could work without incessant barking.

Yeah, so that's straight out of a horror film.

Then there's the actual getting eaten by flies part…

"Our investigators show that Fauci's NIH division shipped part of a $375,800 grant to a lab in Tunisia to drug beagles and lock their heads in mesh cages filled with hungry sand flies so that the insects could eat them alive," White Coat Waste told Changing America. "They also locked beagles alone in cages in the desert overnight for nine consecutive nights to use them as bait to attract infectious sand flies."

Without a moral fabric that tells you that your means are just as important as your end goals, this is the type of James-Bond-villain-level stuff that you get.

Over 20 members of Congress from both parties have now signed a letter demanding answers from Fauci.

It's important to note that Fauci was not the one cutting the vocal cords and leaving puppies to be eaten alive (while laughing maniacally, I assume), but he is and has been the leader of the NIH for a long time. He is the one who ultimately approves and is accountable for funding.

We've seen him lie and switch his opinion and obfuscate regarding his involvement in the Wuhan funding. What makes you think he'll do anything different here?

Unfortunately for Fauci, people these days care a lot more about the suffering of dogs than of human beings!

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