Woke celeb Jully Black changed the Canadian national anthem at the NBA All-Star Game to remind us we're all evil colonizers
· Feb 21, 2023 · NottheBee.com

In America, we saw people take a knee during the anthem, and that pissed a lot of people off.

But leave it to the Canadians to take wokeness even further!

Canadian singer Jully Black went ahead and changed the lyrics to the Canadian national anthem to let us know we're all evil colonizers.

It's supposed to go a little something like this:

"O Canada, our home and native land."

Nice. Harmless. Even gives the nod to the natives of the country.

And with a one-word change, Black gave the country the middle finger.

Black's new and "improved" woke version:

"O Canada, our home ON native land."

A subtle change that speaks volumes – you can feel her intended sting with the emphasis on the word "on."

This is the first line in our anthem, and that's how you start things off???

For some reason, she felt an NBA game was the right time and place for this lecture.

Was this change approved beforehand? Or did Black just take an artistic, or more appropriately, an activist risk?

The Juno award-winning R&B singer told The National on Monday that she is simply just singing "the facts."

I sang the facts. We are walking, breathing, living, experiencing life on native land. On Indigenous land.

While many on the internet praised her for being so stunning and brave with the hashtag #OurHomeOnNativeLand, a vast population of the country believes her virtue-signaling grab for attention was "absolutely disgraceful," "just creating controversy." Some even called it an attack on the symbol" of the anthem.

Sadly, this isn't the first time Canada caved to the woke mob.

In 2018, the Liberals led the charge of making the anthem gender-neutral by changing "in all thy sons command" to "in all of us command."

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