Woman cured of fear of fruits and veggies, bringing new hope for children everywhere
· Sep 1, 2020 · NottheBee.com

After developing a fear of fruits and vegetables 20 years ago, Jenny Edgar has only eaten cheese, chips, and pasta.

According to the Fox News article, Jenny would gag if she tried anything other than her bland diet of dry cereal, cheese and cookies, or her everyday dinner of pasta or french fries. Even her Christmas dinner was macaroni cheese washed down with a glass of water.

"When I was a child, I would eat raisins and grapes, but hated vegetables," said Edgar. "As I got older, I didn't touch greens at all and would just eat cheese and pasta because I knew I liked them. I had a real fear of not liking fruit and veg so I didn't even bother putting them in my mouth in case I had to spit them out."

Edgar visited hypnotherapist Russell Hemmings, who coached her using cognitive behavioral therapy and hypnotherapy in order to overcome her phobia. After 5 sessions, Jenny has now tried mangoes, apples, fish and vegetables.

Parents rejoice, there is officially hope for children everywhere! All they need is a few hypnotherapy sessions and they will be all set. If that doesn't work, it seems the ol' KitKat switcheroo could be another alternative.

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