In case you thought air travel wasn't getting dangerous enough lately, here's a heartwarming tale about a woman being stung by a scorpion while retrieving her luggage at Boston's Logan Airport.
According to The New York Post, the unnamed 40-year-old woman suffered the sting while returning home from a trip to Mexico.
The woman was collecting her bags at Terminal E just after 7:30 p.m. Sunday after flying back from Mexico when she was stung by the creature in the baggage claim area of customs, Massachusetts State Police said.
As of Tuesday night, authorities had no explanation as to how the incident occurred.
'I'm not seeing any working theories as to how the scorpion ended up in the airport,' Massachusetts State Police Sergeant Gregory Jones told The Post over email.
There have been no other sightings of scorpions since Sunday, Jones added.
So, if you're planning on taking a vacation to Mexico in the near future, be sure to watch out for scorpions stowing away on the trip home.
On the bright side, this is bound to plant the seed for a great Scorpions On A Plane movie starring Samuel L. Jackson.
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