World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab is stepping down and people are worried about who will take his place
· May 21, 2024 ·

He never got to see his dream of a world full of bug eaters.

Yes, Klaus Schwab, everyone's favorite globalist and James Bond villain...

(I mean, check out the suit!)

... is stepping down as Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, his brainchild.

With the organization he founded 50 years ago bringing in nearly $500 million in revenue in the year ending March 2023 (and sitting on a neat pile of 200 million Swiss francs cash), Klaus Schwab will own some things as he reportedly steps back from his role running the World Economic Forum has has headed since 1971.

Semafor reports that Schwab announced his intentions to step down as executive chairman in an email to staff on Tuesday that was shared with Semafor by a person connected to the organization.

Here's footage of every red-blooded American hearing of Schwab's retirement:

While Schwab is "retiring," he's still keeping his paws in the business for the time being. He will remain on as a non-executive chairman, his children are in high positions at the WEF, and his wife is still head of the organization's charity and award foundation.

So, maybe Klaus isn't off the scene quite yet. But this does signal a change in the globalist organization.


Could it be Børge Brende? He's got a Bond-villain look to him, and the alliteration of that name is on-point!

What about his daughter, Nicole? Equity is all the rage these days!

Let's hope this isn't a Soros situation where the evil empire is handed over to an even more evil heir!

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