Sure you won the auction and paid your $63,750, but how will you know your one of a kind 'Louis Vuitton' is actually in the tiny box that just got delivered?
Better get a microscope!
To be clear, the 657 x 222 x 7700 micron bag (that's really, really small) sold at auction is not actually a Louis Vuitton at all.
It's another creation by our friends over at MSCHF: the makers of the big red cartoon boots and other wacky commercial art projects.
The art group created the tiny bag and put it up for auction on Pharrell Williams's auction site Joopiter.
You might recognize Williams as an actor, music producer, and "Happy" singer.
But he's also Louis Vuitton's men's wear fashion designer, which is why MSCHF thought it was such a great joke to auction the bag on his company's site.
Kevin Wiesner, the chief creative officer of MSCHF, told The New York Times that because Williams "loves big hats", "we made him an incredibly small bag".
When asked, Williams said he hadn't heard anything about the joke bag and hadn't been asked if it was okay to create the bag in the brand's likeness.
But it should be fine considering the Supreme Court's recent ruling on trademarks and jokes.
Whatever the case, I'm sure the male model who's supposed to show off the handbag was somewhat confused by the accessory.