Xi Jinping and Putin have signed a new economic deal, plan to "stand guard over the world order" under their new "friendship without limits"
· Mar 21, 2023 · NottheBee.com

You guys, I understand that we're all out here fighting the good fight against global government, I really do. But if we do someday have this Government of Earth or whatever they'll call it, China is, like, the last country we would want to be in charge of it.

But look what Xi Jinping is saying over in Moscow as he visits the Russians to talk peace in the ongoing Ukraine War.

Yes, this dude is really trying to take the lead on a global scale here, and he's 100% serious as a heart attack.

Xi is clearly still hoping to build on momentum from the China-brokered rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia, perhaps hoping that China could cement its position as the new dominant global power by negotiating an end to Putin's Ukraine war while the Biden administration glares sullenly from the sidelines.

Xi said when he landed in Moscow that his regime is ready to "stand guard over the world order based on international law" and "resolutely defend the U.N.-centric international system," which seems like a hollow boast for a leader who refuses to denounce an invasion the U.N. has resoundingly condemned on several occasions over the past year.

You guys, the fact that China is out here promoting peace is beyond me. I mean, beating your citizens in the streets, literally welding their apartment exits closed during Covid, keeping Uighurs in concentration camps — yeah, that doesn't sound very peaceful to me.

Also, I'm not fooled for a second by the "based on international law" nonsense, either. Since when has China been a follower of international law?

China, though, is on the move when it comes to global dominance — has been for a while now — and they have this habit of using other countries' conflicts to their advantage. So I'm thinking they smell blood in the water over this whole Ukraine deal.

So with Xi and this "stand guard over the world order" talk, let's just hope it was a quick flex by the dictator and that nothing will come of it.

Because the last thing we need in this world is a global government led by the most authoritarian country on the planet.

As for the economic stuff, China and Russia are planning to build a new pipeline:

Xi is in Moscow for a multiday series of meetings with his Russian counterpart, aimed at demonstrating the two countries' new "friendship without limits." Xi and Putin emphasized the importance of jointly safeguarding their countries' energy security.

Putin touted plans for a gas pipeline from Siberia to China ahead of the meeting, saying the agreement was all-but finalized.


Xi's visit comes just days after the International Criminal Court issued a warrant for Putin's arrest for war crimes committed in Ukraine. Nevertheless, the pair called each other "dear friend" when they first shook hands on Monday.

Fun stuff! I wonder what our own president has been up to lately?

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