Y'all have to check out the spotless giraffe just born at a Tennessee zoo. They say it's the only one like it in the world.
ยท Aug 22, 2023 ยท NottheBee.com

Nothing like a cute baby animal to get your day started.

On July 31st, Bright Zoo in Limestone, TN, welcomed a brand-new baby giraffe which, on its own, would be a very cool story. But this giraffe is not like others. This is a brand new, spotless giraffe.

Just how rare is it to have a giraffe without the spots? Well, according to experts, this young girl may be the only brown giraffe without spots living on the planet today.

"Giraffe experts believe she is the only solid-colored reticulated giraffe living anywhere on the planet," Bright's Zoo said in a statement.

Although there have been previous reports of spotless giraffes in the past; the calf in Brights Zoo, located in Limestone in North East Tennessee, appears to be the only one which is fully-brown as opposed to fully-white.

There are white giraffes that have a loss of pigmentation called leucism:

But this is the only full brown giraffe anyone has ever heard of.

The zoo was shocked, understandably, and did blood work and took tests. She's a perfectly healthy baby giraffe. She just looks a little different.

I mean, look at this thing, y'all.

She looks like a deer with a long neck. Imagine how beautiful she'll be fully grown.

This is a cool animal.

But please, don't tell my wife.

If she finds out this animal is 90 minutes away ... well, I know my new weekend plans.

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