Yeah, let me know how that works out for ya, Joe
· May 2, 2023 ·

Ever wonder why the entire rest of the world seems to be laughing at us?

Well, here's just one of the many, many reasons:

Yes, this is a State Department grant for the "Professional Development for Transgender Youth" in Pakistan (among other things).

The State Department grant said it is aimed at teaching English language skills to Pakistani youth so they can "better participate in the global community and prepare them for success in the workplace." The grant aims to reach that goal by focusing on three components: "(1) Professional Development for English Language Teachers from Non-Mainstream Institutions; (2) Professional Development for novice Pakistani English language teachers; and (3) Professional Development for Transgender Youth and for Afghan Teachers, Students, and Young Professionals Residing in Pakistan."

The program component that includes a focus on transgender youth accepts proposals from applicants "for a minimum of $25,000 and a maximum of $75,000 to implement: (1) intensive professional development courses for Pakistani transgender youth from the ages of 13-25, and (2) and intensive professional development courses for Afghan teachers, students, and young professionals residing in Pakistan."

So we're going to help to identify infidels in Pakistan?


Great idea, libs!

Totally joking, as this entire idea is a joke in itself.

Interested applications to the grant program are encouraged to address, "What is the most effective way to reach the greatest number of Pakistani transgender youth and Afghan teachers, students, and young professionals from diverse locations across Pakistan?"

A spokesperson for the State Department told Fox News Digital that the education project from the agency focuses on transgender youth as it often does with other "marginalized communities." The spokesperson added that the grant funds will not be used for gender transitions.

"In this specific grant, the Department provides funding for English-language learning, an integral skill that helps unlock educational and employability opportunities, for marginalized communities, in this case transgender youth," the spokesperson said.

Now, do I agree with educational grants to countries who need it?

Yes, I do.

But to throw in all this transgender stuff — especially in a country such as Pakistan where religious beliefs are pretty strict — is just plain embarrassing.

Not to mention, this is a country the West is in a tug of war over with the Chinese.

And we're out here offering grants for transgender youth?!?!

Meanwhile, China's building giant infrastructure projects in Pakistan, taking no stance on the transgender issue.

Gee, I wonder who the Pakistanis like more…

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