Both candidates had been tested pre-debate and found to be Covid negative. Both candidates were spaced on stage 13 feet from each other and the moderator (twice the 6 ft recommendation). Both candidates were masked as they took their marks for Saturday's debate at Allen University in Columbia, S.C.
But one candidate took caution to a whole new level, hunkering down for the debate behind a giant, poly-fold, plexiglass shield.
Jaime Harrison, the democrat seeking to unseat republican South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, explained:
"Tonight I am taking COVID seriously. That's why I put this plexiglass up. Because it's not just about me, it's about the people in my life that I have to take care of as well – my two boys, my wife, my grandma."
So how will this abundance of caution carry over into his every day life? Is this how he will campaign going forward? Can we expect to see him at the bank or grocery store barricaded behind his plexiglass shield?
We're guessing probably not. But you've gotta admit, he created quite the optics for the camera.