The AP is really mad that the Texas Rangers are the only MLB team without a "Pride Night"

You guys, blue-haired Karen over at the AP wants to talk to you for a minute. She has a pretty serious question.

Like, seriouslaaaay, why don't the Rangers have a Pride Night, y'all?

AP Karen's gonna get to the bottom of this.

All but one of the 30 of the Major League Baseball teams are hosting Pride Nights this season, most during Pride Month, which celebrates and supports LGBTQ+ culture and rights.

The Texas Rangers are the only team without a Pride Night. They say they are committed to making everyone feel welcome at all games.

They say they're committed to making everyone feel welcome, yet they don't have a night dedicated to gay sex!

First of all, AP Karen, you missed a few letters in that gay acronym. I guess you don't care about intersex people, 2-spirited people, or androgynous people, do you?

Second of all, everyone can feel welcome at games without an annual Pride Night. In fact, when it's Pride Night and I accidentally got tickets to the ballgame, I just don't go. I'm not gay, and I don't feel welcome on gay night.

That is why the Rangers have always stood by this statement.

Our longstanding commitment remains the same: To make everyone feel welcome and included in Rangers baseball — in our ballpark, at every game, and in all we do — for both our fans and our employees. We deliver on that promise across our many programs to have a positive impact across our entire community.

Pretty straightforward stuff.

Yet the AP wants to dive deeper.

What role could Texas politics play in the decision [to host a Pride Night]?


Texas became the most populous of what is now at least 25 states with laws restricting or banning gender-affirming medical care for transgender minors. And Texas public universities have been directed to dismantle diversity, equity and inclusion offices and training.

They want the government to force the Rangers to have a Pride Night. That's all these blue hairs think about: How they can get the government to force people to do things.

And they're very mad that the government of Texas won't play ball.

The AP asks other important questions such as, "Why do the Houston Astros have a Pride Night, but the Rangers do not?" and "Do the Rangers do anything to support the LGBTQ+ community?"

Yeah, the Astros are gay. So is the rest of the MLB. Why are these jOuRNaLiSts obsessed with the one team that doesn't want to be gay? I thought they liked minorities.

The Rangers do sponsor LGBT events, provide assistance to those with AIDS, and promote anti-bullying programs. So it's not like they're against the gays. They just want to treat them like any other group of people.

And they don't want to devote an entire ballgame to them.

But unless you dress everyone in rainbow glitter and dedicate an entire night to the amazingness of gay sex and grooming the kids, the wokies won't be happy. They can't leave it alone.

The Texas Rangers are 100% America's Team.

They're the last remaining holdout to refuse the gay religious holiday, and that's something to take actual pride in.

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