Trans Athlete Who Won State Title Confused As To Why Female Competitors Didn't Show Better Sportsmanship

You remember this kid?

That's Washington's new high school state champion in the girls' 400-meter dash, "Veronica" Garcia, who beat the girls by a full second!

Not only did "Veronica" steal the first place medal, but look at this, "Veronica" is confused as to why the girls didn't show better sportsmanship when they got beat by a boy.



Bro, you beat a bunch of girls!

Of course they didn't cheer when you were awarded their medal.

Did you expect them to be ecstatic that they each had to move one space down on the podium to make room for a dude?

Garcia said he was 'somewhat hurt' the girls did not congratulate him.

‘I guess maybe I expected sportsmanship because I was cheering the rest of them on when they were called. So I guess I expected to get that reciprocated,' Garcia told The Spokesman-Review. ‘But I didn't get that.'

‘I'm just a teenager. I wish people would remember that,' he said ...

'I'm just a teenager. It's one thing if you want to advocate for whatever, but your message becomes deflated when you start insulting,' he said. 'As soon as you start harassing transgender people, then I think your message starts to fall apart.'

'At the very least, give us respect, because I think the best thing anyone can do is, even if you don't understand why we're transgender, the very least is to be nice to us. Kindness goes a long way,' Garcia said.

Playing the innocent teenager just isn't going to work here. Sorry bout it. This is bigger than "I'm just a teenager, leave me alone." You're destroying women's sports.

I mean, just look at this finish:

And the response from Garcia:

"Another day in the office."

Garcia heard boos from the crowd during the race, and one spectator even yelled "she's not a girl" when Garcia was awarded first place.

This is going to be the new normal for trans athletes like "Veronica" Garcia.

We've had enough. And we're not going to sit here and pretend this is okay.

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