Watch this sinkhole swallow up a huge chunk of a soccer field in Illinois

I hate to say it, but this is probably the most exciting thing that has ever happened on this Illinois soccer field.

[PS - Please fire whoever chose this as the background music for this clip]


Just like that, a 100-foot-wide sinkhole just tore that soccer field to shreds.

Some details:

A huge sinkhole has swallowed part of a soccer field built over a mine in Illinois …

The hole, which appeared on Wednesday morning at Gordon Moore Park in the town of Alton, is reportedly around 100 feet wide and 30 to 50 feet deep.

Officials said no one was injured, according to NewsNation, but a stadium light was swallowed.

Pardon me for asking, but why in the world would you build a soccer field on top of a mine?

The parks and rec department was active on Facebook following the incident:

"Temporarily closed"?!?!

How you gonna write "temporarily closed" when a sinkhole just destroyed your soccer field — stadium light, carpet, and all?

I wouldn't sit around and wait for this soccer park to open back up, Alton. You've already wasted enough time in the bleachers waiting for goals to be scored here, why waste any more of it?

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